
Thursday, September 13, 2012

2012 WebOS Internals web-a-thon raises $12,202.20 for homebrew

2012 WebOS Internals web-a-thon raises 2,202.20 for homebrew

Hot damn this community rocks. For everything the webOS community has been through, you can always count on the webOS Nation Forums to pull together to get things done. And get things done they have, in the course of three weeks the 2012 WebOS Internals web-a-thon raised a whopping $12,202.20 to support the ongoing operations of the homebrew organization. That's a good amount of dough that will help to sustain the operation of WebOS Internals and WebOS Ports for a good while, not that that's going to stop us from making more donations later on.

Last year's web-a-thon may have raised a few thousand more dollars, but considering everything this community's been through in the past year (recap time!), it's staggering how much love this community can still show. And unlike last year, there were prizes beyond getting a badge of the webOS Nation Forums that screams "I'm awesome"; this year, WebOS Internals chief Rod Whitby tossed in am ultra-rare TouchPad Go for the highest donation, as well as four HP Pre3 smartphones for the next four donators.

So what does will that twelve thousand dollars go to? It goes to paying for the servers and bandwidth that are needed for Preware, and it goes towards purchasing development devices so that the developers of WebOS Internals can work their homebrew magic. That latter point is going to be important going forward, as the future of official webOS hardware is questionable, those wanting to still run webOS are going to need modern hardware to do it, which means Internals is going to need to purchase modern hardware to build and test on.

In a way, the donations made in this year's web-a-thon aren't going to just sustain WebOS Internals - they're going to help to sustain webOS as an operating system, and consequently sustain the webOS community. So for that, we at webOS Nation thank everybody for their donations - we don't really benefit directly from it, but anything to help further the webOS community is fine by us.

Missed the web-a-thon? Don't feel bad, WebOS Internals accepts support donations all-year 'round.

View the original article here

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