Can you believe next week is Halloween? October has sure flown by! This week we rounded up some spooky/scary/creepy and yes, even cute, wallpapers to help set the mood on your BlackBerry or PlayBook. There are a ton of great holiday wallpapers in the gallery, so you'll want to be sure to look around there if you want more like the ones we have below.
If you're not registered already you'll need to do so in order to download from the gallery (don't worry, it's free!). Of course, our gallery would be nothing without our members and their contributions, so why not head over to the Wallpaper Maker and upload some of your favorites to share with CrackBerry nation? Keep reading for our picks for the week!
Halloween jack'o'lantern - 480 x 360

Haunted House - 480 x 360

Tough Snoopy - 640 x 480

Halloween Characters - 640x480

Halloween Girl - 640x480

Halloween jack'o'lanterns - 480x800

Happy Halloween - 1240x1240

Halloween House - 1240x1240

You can always find the latest wallpapers for your BlackBerry phone or tablet in our FREE CrackBerry wallpaper gallery. Be sure to submit your own creations using the CrackBerry Wallpaper Maker (also free!) to share with the CrackBerry nation.
Want a bit more wallpaper love? Check out the CB Wallpaper Changer app in BlackBerry App World!
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